Saturday, 18 December 2010

Music News

Ciara Disappointed With Album Sales

The Atlanta born singer Ciara, whose fourth studio album Basic Instinct is set to sell 35,000 copies in the US this week, is said to be disappointed with projected sales.

Ciara told Associated Press, "Even though my last album didn't do as well as my previous ones, I was still able to go out and make money and tour".

"Every day is not always the perfect day. Artists that I have loved and admired, who have had a long career, have not had every record or song or video that was always the right choice."

When asked if she was concerned about the sales for the album, she replied: "Selling records is becoming smaller fraction of branding and building a long-lasting career. You can sell a lot of records, but can you tour? You can sell records, but where does it go beyond that? That's a part of building a brand for yourself."

"If you can walk away from your career and are successful touring, you'll always be straight. Artists like Madonna have been doing it for years. She may put out one single, do a tour and gross over $200 million."

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